Academic Work

Papers in Conference Proceedings

  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2022). Delight in the User Experience: Form and Place. In: Bruyns, G., Wei, H. (eds) [ ] With Design: Reinventing Design Modes. IASDR 2021. Springer, Singapore.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2022). Design Delight: An Experiential Quality Framework. In Duarte, E., and Rosa, C. (Eds.) Developments in Design Research and Practice. Best Papers from 10th Senses and Sensibility 2019: Lost in (G)localization. Springer.
  • Sobetski E., Sinsabaugh S., Balasubramaniam G., Sosa-Tzec O. (2021) Designing BookClub: Technologically Mediated Reading and Distant Interactions to Promote Well-Being. In: Stephanidis C., Antona M., Ntoa S. (eds) HCI International 2021 - Posters. HCII 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1421. Springer.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2021). Delight by Motion: Investigating the Role of Animation in Microinteractions. In Proc. of MODE 2021, the Motion Design Educators Summit. MODE. URL: Personal copy (PDF)
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2019). Design tensions: Interaction Criticism on Instagram’s Mobile Interface. In Proc. of the 37th Conference on the Design of Communication, SIGDOC ‘19. ACM. DOI:
  • Beck, J., Sosa-Tzec, O., and Carroll, J. (2019). Communicating Design-Related Intellectual Influence: Towards Visual References. In Proc. of the 37th Conference on the Design of Communication, SIGDOC ‘19. ACM. DOI:
  • Sosa-Tzec, O., Tharp, B., & Tharp, S. (2019). Discursive Design and the Question of Impact: Perspective, Pedagogy, and Practice. In Murdoch-Kitt K. M. & Sosa-Tzec, O. (Eds.), Dialogue: Proc. of the AIGA Design Educators Community Conferences: 2018 Decipher Conference Vol 1 (199-207). Michigan Publishing. DOI:
  • Sosa-Tzec, O., Stolterman, E., & Siegel, M. A. (2015). Gaza Everywhere: exploring the applicability of a rhetorical lens in HCI. In CA '15: Proceedings of The Fifth Decennial Aarhus Conference on Critical Alternatives (69-72). ACM. DOI:
  • Sosa-Tzec, O., Siegel, M. A., & Brown, P. (2015). Exploration of Rhetorical Appeals, Operations and Figures in UI/ UX Design. In VandeZande R., Bohemia E., & Digranes I. (Eds). Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference for Design Education Researchers. Aalto University. DOI:
  • Sosa-Tzec, O., & Siegel, M. A. (2014). Rhetorical Evaluation of User Interfaces. In NordiCHI '14: Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Fun, Fast, Foundational. ACM. DOI:
  • Nematzadeh, A., & Sosa-Tzec, O. (2014). Experience Design Framework for Securing Large Scale Information and Communication Systems. In Lim Y., Niedderer K., Redström J., Stolterman, E., and Valtonen, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of DRS 2014, the Design Research Society Conference. DRS. Umeå University.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O., Beck, J. E., & Siegel, M. A. (2013). Building the Narrative Cloud: Reflection and Distributed Cognition in a Design Studio Classroom. In Proceedings of the DRS//Cumulus 2013 Conference. DRS//Cumulus.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O., Cortina, A., & Holguín, R. (2009). Designing a User Interface based on the Calm Technology Paradigm and Schematic Visualization and its Evaluation from a Communicability and Rhetorical Perspective. In Proceedings of 4th Information Design International Conference. Sociedade Brasileira de Design da Informação.

Articles in Journals and Magazines

Conference Proceedings

Book Chapter
(Edited Volume)

  • Sosa-Tzec, O., & Siegel, M. A. (2014). Visual Design for HCI (in Spanish). In Muñoz Arteaga, J., González Calleros, J.M., & Sánchez Huitrón, A. (Eds.) La Interacción Humano-Computadora en México. Pearson. Original manuscript (PDF)

Abstracts and Conference Presentations

  • Christensen, E., and Sosa-Tzec, O. (2022, October 20). Assessing Beginning Design Student's Storytelling and Visual Presentation Skills Through a Six-Dimension Design Communication Rubric. Surface, the 2022 AIGA Design Educators Community Conference. Seattle, WA.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2022. October 15). Digital Wellbeing Technology through a Social Semiotic Multimodal Lens. The 46th Annual Conference of the Semiotic Society of America. Virtual Conference.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2020, February 14). Design Delight: A Framework for the Analysis and Generation of Pleasurable Designs [Paper presentation]. 108th CAA Annual Conference. CAA. Chicago, IL.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2019, October 5). Creative Data and Information Visualization: Reflections on Two Pedagogical Approaches [Case Study Presentation]. ACM SIGDOC Conference 2019. ACM. Portland, OR.

Symposia, Colloquia, and Workshops
(Juried Presentations)

  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2020, April 21). Visualizing Data Trails: Metaphors and a Symbolic Language for Interfaces [Workshop Presentation]. Online Workshop “Speculative Designs for Emergent Data Trails: Signs, Signals, and Signifiers” [in response to Covid-19] at CHI 2020, the ACM Conference on Human-Factors in Computer Systems.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2018, June 9). CDR and CD Outcomes as Arguments: On constructive and critical design [Workshop Presentation]. Workshop “Let’s Get Divorced: Constructing Knowledge Outcomes for Critical Design and Constructive Design Research” at DIS 2018, the ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. Hong Kong.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2015, August 17). Towards a Pentadic Interaction Criticism [Workshop Presentation]. Workshop “Criticism for Computational Alternatives” at Critical Alternatives 2015: the 5th Decennial Aarhus Conference. Aarhus, Denmark.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2015, June 2). Interpretive Lens for the Analysis of Persuasive Technology [Doctoral Consortium]. Persuasive Technology Conference 2015. Chicago, IL.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2014). The Visual Rhetoric of Slow Change Interaction Design [Position Paper]. Workshop “Slow Change Interaction Design” at DRS 2014: Design Research Society Conference. Sweden.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2011, July 30). Representaciones Visuales y Diseño de Experiencias de Usuario [Poster Presentation]. Taller “IHC en los Grandes Retos de la Computación.” Morelia, Michoacán, México.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O., & Arrieta, A. (2010, November). Arquitectura y Diseño de Información del Sitio Web de un Centro de Recursos de Aprendizaje e Investigación [Poster Presentation]. MexIHC ’10, 3er Congreso Mexicano de Interacción Humano-Computadora. Universidad Politécnica de San Luis Potosí. San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, México.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O., Cortina, S., & Holguín, R. (2007, September). Information Design Process and Methods for an IM Client from the perspective of Calm Technology [Workshop Presentation]. Workshop “CLIHC 2007: Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities for Human-Computer Interaction in Latin America” at Interact 2007. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2021, September 23). Delightful UX Design : A Semiotic-Rhetorical Perspective. Fifteenth International Conference on Design Principles and Practices. Common Ground.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2020, February 14). Teaching Design, Information, and Interaction: Reflections, Foundations, and Competences [Discussant]. 108th CAA Annual Conference. CAA. Chicago, IL.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2020, October 15). Pursuing Delight: Forms, Colors, Sounds, and Flavors [Panelist]. AIGA Unidos: Hispanic Heritage Talks 2020. AIGA. Multi-city online event.
  • Fields, L., Aristarkhova, I., Leonard, J. Jacobsen, C., and Sosa-Tzec, O. (2019, November 2). Feminist Art in Action: Panel Discussion [Respondent]. Stamps Gallery, University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, MI.
  • McCloud, S., Fishman, B., Gloeckner, P., Gross, M., and Sosa-Tzec, O. (2018, November 7). Teaching Visual Communication Today [Discussant]. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, MI.

Research Posters

  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2022). Using Sketchnoting to Explore Approaches to Visual Essay. Poster Exhibition at Surface, the 2022 AIGA Design Educators Community Conference, within the 2022 AIGA National Design Conference. Seattle, WA.

Bulletins and Technical Reports

  • Christensen, E., and Sosa-Tzec, O. (2022). Oral Communication Assessment for the School of Design's Student Work. Core Competency and GE Assessment Program 2021-2022. Undergraduate Education and Academic Planning. San Francisco State University.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2014). Rhetorical Handbook: An Illustrated Manual for UI/UX Designers. Beta. Handbook (PDF)

Talks and Lectures

  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2021, April 24). Diseñar Interfaces desde una Perspectiva Semiótica-Retórica [Online Presentation]. HCI Day 2021. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2021, March 19). Productos y Servicios Encantadores: Reflejos de Marketing en el Diseño de Experiencia de Usuario [Online Presentation]. Universidad Autónoma de Quintana Roo.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2021, March 7). Vivir y Hacer Carrera en Estados Unidos: Tres Etapas, Tres Ciudades, Tres Perspectivas Diferentes [Online Presentation]. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2020, April 24). Experiencia de Usuario y Diseño de Interacción: Una Perspectiva Retórica-Semiótica [Online Presentation in response to Covid-19]. Conversatorio de los 15 Años en la Licenciatura en Diseño de Interacción y Animación. Universidad Iberoamericana Campus Puebla. Puebla, Puebla, Mexico.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2020, February 21). Pursuing Delight: Design and Living the Good Life. San Francisco State University. San Francisco, CA.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2019, April 5). Interacciones Encantadoras: Interfaces de Usuario desde una Perspectiva Retórica-Semiótica. Contraste Colectivo: 3er Congreso Internacional de Diseño Gráfico. Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas. Tampico, Tamaulipas, México.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2018, February 14). My Fascination with the Visual: Meaning, Persuasion, and Delight [Design Work and Research Presentation]. Wonderful Wednesdays at the Penny W. Stamps School of Art and Design. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, MI.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2018, February 6). Can We Use Rhetoric to Talk about Delight? [Research Presentation] Michigan Interactive & Social Computing Group. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, MI.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2017, December 28). Human-Computer Interaction Rhetoric: An Interpretative Approach to Interactive Systems. Heuristics Innovation Center. Mérida, Yucatán, México.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2017, October 25). Rhetoric and Design: Arguments, Persuasion, and Visual Communication [Guest Lecturer: ArtDes-150 Art and Design in Context]. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, MI.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2017, October 5). Design, Rhetoric, and Delight: Continuation of a Journey [Presentation for the Dean’s Advisory Council Meeting 2017]. Penny W. Stamps School of Art and Design, University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, MI.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2017, March 31). A Rhetorical Journey into Design: Research, Practice, and Teaching. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, MI.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2016, May). La Creatividad es un Mito. Transformación Creativa. Mérida, Yucatán, México.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2016, April 23). Sometimes a Sign, Sometimes a Figure [Guest Speaker for the Graphic Designer’s Club]. Indiana University. Bloomington, IN.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2013, October 2). Diseño de Interacción y Sustenabilidad. 5º Seminario Internacional de Investigación en Diseño Sustentable. Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas. Tampico, Tamaulipas, México.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2012, April). De Chile, de Mole, y de Dulce: Asuntos del Pensamiento y Ejecución de Diseño. CONATI 2012, Congreso Nacional de Tecnología Industrial. Universidad Tecnológica de Mérida. Mérida, Yucatán, México.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2010, November). Conceptos y Herramientas de Diseño en Sistemas Interactivos [Tutorial]. MexIHC ’10, 3er Congreso Mexicano de Interacción Humano-Computadora. Universidad Politécnica de San Luis Potosí. San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, México.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2010, April). Del Pensamiento de Diseño y un Par de Suspiros: Una Introducción a la Innovación Mediante Ideación y Diseño [Workshop]. Contacto Empresarial No. 5. Universidad Modelo. Mérida, Yucatán, México.
  • Sosa-Tzec, O. (2009, October). Arquitectura de Información y su Relación con el Pensamiento Estratégico. Semana de Arte y Diseño 2009. Unarte Universidad del Arte. Puebla, Puebla, México.

Honors and Awards

  • Marcus Early Career Research Award. Marcus Family and College of Liberal and Creative Arts at SFSU. Research leave for one semester. Project: Exploration of unconventional, metaphorical, delightful representations of screen time and study of digital well-being through design.
  • AIGA Design Educators Community 2022 Design + Writing Fellowship. AIGA Design Educators Community. Project: application of sketchnoting to synthesize, reflect, and outline theoretical frameworks for the analysis and production of visual essays.
  • 2021 Design Incubation Fellowship. Design Incubation. Project: theoretical paper on the notion of delight concerning UI/UX design.
  • The Design Incubation Communication Design Awards 2019, Service Runner Up. Design Incubation. Project: Organization of Decipher 2018, the 3rd AIGA Desig Educators Community Conference, and coordination with Michigan Publishing to publish the proceedings of Decipher and subsequent conferences of the AIGA DEC.

(For Research, Pedagogical, and Creative Work)

  • Extraordinary Ideas Grant. Source of funding: College of Liberal and Creative Arts, SFSU. Collaborators: Fernando Carvalho, Elizabeth Ramirez-Soto, and Natalia Porter. Purpose: panel organization, creative work, and curriculum development. Amount: $2,000.00. Spring 2022.
  • Extraordinary Ideas Grant. Source of funding: College of Liberal and Creative Arts, SFSU. Collaborators: Victor de la Rosa and Abigail Lapin. Purpose: panel organization, creative work, and curriculum development. Amount: $2,000.00. Spring 2021.
  • Teagle Grant for Curriculum Redesign. Source of funding: College of Liberal and Creative Arts, SFSU. Collaborators: Saskia Van Kampen and Ellen Christensen. Purpose: curriculum revision. Amount: $8,500.00. Spring 2021.
  • MCube: Using Visual Information and Everyday Objects to Improve Chronic Disease Management of People of Color. Collaborators: Shervin Assari (UM Medicine) and Rogerio Pinto (UM Social Work). Research Assistants: Gowri Balasubramaniam, Evan Sobetski, and Sylvia Sinsabaugh. Source of funding: MCube Program, University of Michigan Office of Research. Purpose: multidisciplinary research on design for co-morbidity and chronic conditions. Amount: $60,000.00. Spring 2019 to Spring 2020.
  • ADVANCE: Faculty SUCEED Grants. Source of funding: UM ADVANCE Program. Purpose: academic training and purchase of material. Amount: $1,500.00. Summer 2019.
  • UMOR: Creative Deviations in Interaction Design. Collaborator: Stephanie Szemetylo. Source of funding: Small Scale and Preliminary Projects, UM Office of Research and the Penny W. School of Art and Design. Purpose: research on design strategies for delightful user experiences and interfaces. Amount: $15,000.00. Spring 2019 to Spring 2020.

Contact Information

600 Holloway Avenue
Fine Arts Building 515
San Francisco, CA 94132
(415) 338-7392

Advising Appointments

Omar Sosa-Tzec's Symbol for Design